Knowledge Base
Welcome to the RedOps blog. Because we value the infosec community and want to give something back, we regularly try to share some of our personal research with the IT security community.
Workshop2025-02-06Workshop - Endpoint Security Insights: Shellcode Loaders & Evasion Fundamentals
Cobalt Strike2024-08-20Cobalt Strike - CDN / Reverse Proxy Setup
Cobalt Strike2024-08-16Cobalt Strike - DNS Listener
Reversing2024-05-05EDR Analysis: Leveraging Fake DLLs, Guard Pages, and VEH for Enhanced Detection
Workshop2024-02-05University of Innsbruck-Malware Development Workshop
Conference2023-10-23Conference: BSides Munich 2023
Conference2023-09-28Conference: Cyber Summit West
Conference2023-07-03Conference: DEF CON 31
Conference2022-12-01Conference: SANS Hack Fest
Conference2022-08-14Conference: DEF CON 30
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